GuidesUpload Options

Upload Options

When uploading files you have a few options to choose from in the form of headers.

Header NameTypeDescription
Formatmust be UUID, DATE, RANDOM, NAMESee File Format
Image-Compression-PercentnumberThe quality of the image, leave blank if no compression. See Image Compression for more
Expires-Atmust be a Javascript resolvable Date or something like "1d" or 30mSet a date for the file to exipre at. See Image Expiry for more.
PasswordstringCreate a password locked image
ZwsbooleanIf this header is present it will create a zero-width-space url
EmbedbooleanIf this header is present, the image will have additional OG metadata (mostly used on Discord)
Max-ViewsnumberThe maximum amount of views before the file is deleted
UploadTextbooleanIf this header is present, it will override the mimetype to text/plain and when the file is accessed will render with PrismJS, with syntax highlighting (limited). This option is primarily used by the server for text uploads.
AuthorizationstringA required field, your users auth token
No-JSONbooleanIf this header is present, it will not return a JSON response, instead it will return the file url in plain text. See /api/upload text
X-Zipline-FilenamestringThe name of the file, this will override the name of the file.
Original-NamestringTo preserve the original name, while also using a file name format. See Original Name
Override-DomainstringIf this header is present, it will override the domain used in the response. For more information see Override Domain
x-zipline-foldernumberIf this header is present, it will add the file that is being uploaded to the folder that matches the given ID.

File Format

The Format header dictates the format of a file name. Here is a list of what each format does.


This will not work if the X-Zipline-Filename header is present.

randomThis is the default format, which will create a alphanumeric string that is UPLOADER_LENGTH long8QdSZM.png
uuidThe UUID of the file is used as the name of the file.ec7eb6d2-c405-41ec-91eb-11387fc2f9a2.png
dateThe current date as the file name in the format specified in UPLOADER_FORMAT_DATE2022-08-16_09:55:31.png
nameThis will keep the original name of the file, when sent to the server.Somerandomfilenameidk.png
gfycatThis will create a gfycat-like URL, using adjectives and animal namesadjectiveadjectiveanimal.png

Image Compression

Zipline now supports compressing images. When compressing an image Zipline will turn it into a jpeg image with the preferred quality. Here is an example of an image compressed at 20% quality.

No compression

20% compression

Image Expiration

Zipline currently supports expiring images. When an image expires, it will be deleted from the server. If the header starts with date=, the following string must be a Javascript resolvable Date, an example: date=2022-08-21T19:26:16.779Z. If you would like to use a shorthand expression, you may do the following as the header value: 1d (expire one day from now). If the date couldnt resolve to a date or is in the past, Zipline will return a 400 error.


If you have set an image as a favorite, it will be prevented from expiring.

Shorthand expressions

The expression is {number}{optional space}{unit}. The space between the number and the unit is not required. You may only specify one expression per expiry, 1d 6h (1 day and 6 hours) will not work.

msMilliseconds10ms, 10 milliseconds, 10 ms
sSeconds10s, 10 seconds, 10 secs, 10 sec, 10 s
mMinutes10m, 10 minutes, 10 mins, 10 min, 10 m
hHours10h, 10 hours, 10 hrs, 10 hr, 10 h
dDays10d, 10 days, 10 days, 10 day, 10 d
wWeeks10w, 10 weeks, 10 week, 10 w
yYears10y, 10 years, 10 year, 10 yrs, 10 y


If your user is ratelimited, you can see how long (seconds) you have to wait with the X-Ratelimit-Remaining header.

Original Name

When using the Original-Name header, this will keep the original name in the Content-Disposition header, while also using a file name format. This is useful if you want the original name to show up when you save the file, but also want to use a file name format to display in the url.

As you can see, the original name is t.png, but the file name format is AuLOs1.png. This is useful if you want to keep the original name, but also want to use a file name format.

Override Domain

Overriding the domain may be useful if you would like your files to have a different "appearance", for example, having one domain for files and one domain for shortened URLs.


The dashboard provides a way to override the domain when uploading files through it.

You can also set the override domain property within the ShareX and Flameshot generators.


If using two seperate domains, you will want to make sure they point to the same Zipline instance within your domain DNS settings.


Make sure the domains are pointing to the same IP address.

Then for your files, make sure the Override-Domain header is set to, and for your shortened URLs, make sure the Override-Domain header is set to

You will be able to access your files at http(s):// and your shortened URLs at http(s)://

Last updated: 9/1/2024
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