API Reference/api/upload



Upload a file


Upload a file to Zipline, for more options see the configuration page.

Body (multipart/form-data)

Field names of files should be file, if you want to upload multiple files then just append multiple fields with the name still being file.


Field NameTypeDescription
filesstrings[]The URLs of the uploaded files
expiresAtdateThe date the file will expire. For more info, refer to the upload options
removed_gpsbooleanWhether or not the GPS data was removed from the image
"files": ["https://example.com/asdfgh.png"],
"expiresAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"removed_gps": true
"files": ["https://example.com/asdfgh.png"],
"expiresAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"files": ["https://example.com/asdfgh.png"]

Ok (Text)

If the No-JSON header is present, it will return a text response. This is useful if you want to skip the JSON parsing, which can be slow in the case of jq.


Or with multiple files, it will be comma separated.


Bad Request (JSON)

  • invalid date - Provided an invalid date for the Expires-At header.
  • invalid date (UPLOADER_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION) - The UPLOADER_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION is set to an invalid date, therefore the default expiration is invalid.
  • invalid image compression percent (invalid number) - The Image-Compression-Percent header is set to an invalid number.
  • invalid image compression percent (% < 0 || % > 100) - The Image-Compression-Percent header is set to a number less than 0 or greater than 100.
  • invalid max views (invalid number) - The Max-Views header is set to an invalid number.
  • invalid max views (max views < 0) - The Max-Views header is set to a number less than 0.
  • no files - No files were provided in the multipart/form-data body.
  • file[i]: size too big - The file at index i is too big.
  • file[i]: no filename - The file at index i has no filename.
  • file[i]: disabled extension recieved: ext - The file at index i has a disabled extension.
  • file[i]: filename already exists: filename - The file at index i has a filename that already exists. This is only possible if the X-Zipline-Filename header is set.

Forbidden (JSON)

  • no authorization - No Authorization header present.
  • authorization incorrect - The provided Authorization header is incorrect.
Last updated: 3/2/2024
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