
Zipline provides a command line utility called ziplinectl to manage specific parts of your Zipline instance.

Accessing ziplinectl

In the documentation, this value will be referred to as ziplinectl.

docker compose exec zipline node build/ctl <...>


docker compose exec zipline pnpm ctl <...>

Help Screen (-h, --help)

Output the help screen for ziplinectl

~/zipline $ ziplinectl -h
Usage: ziplinectl [options] [command]
control utility for zipline
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
read-config [options] output the configuration as json, exactly how Zipline sees it
list-users [options] list all users
set-user [options] <property> <value>
import-dir [options] <directory>
help [command] display help for command

Version (-V, --version)

Output the version of zipline

ziplinectl -V


Last updated: 2/2/2025
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