
Some settings use human readable relative time. Here is a table of the time units and their human readable counterparts.

Unit (Case insensitive)Milliseconds
ms, msec, msecs, millisecond, milliseconds1 millisecond
s, sec, secs, second, seconds1000 milliseconds
m, min, mins, minute, minutes60,000 milliseconds
h, hr, hrs, hour, hours3,600,000 milliseconds
d, day, days86,400,000 milliseconds
w, week, weeks604,800,000 milliseconds
y, yr, yrs, year, years31,536,000,000 milliseconds


  • 1s is equal to 1000 milliseconds
  • 1m is equal to 60,000 milliseconds
  • 1h, 1 hrs, etc. is equal to 3,600,000 milliseconds
  • 1 day, 1d, etc. is equal to 86,400,000 milliseconds
  • you can use these values in any setting that requires a time

Last updated: 2/7/2025
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