Some settings use human readable relative time. Here is a table of the time units and their human readable counterparts.
Unit (Case insensitive) | Milliseconds |
ms, msec, msecs, millisecond, milliseconds | 1 millisecond |
s, sec, secs, second, seconds | 1000 milliseconds |
m, min, mins, minute, minutes | 60,000 milliseconds |
h, hr, hrs, hour, hours | 3,600,000 milliseconds |
d, day, days | 86,400,000 milliseconds |
w, week, weeks | 604,800,000 milliseconds |
y, yr, yrs, year, years | 31,536,000,000 milliseconds |
is equal to1000
is equal to60,000
,1 hrs
, etc. is equal to3,600,000
milliseconds1 day
, etc. is equal to86,400,000
milliseconds- you can use these values in any setting that requires a time
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Last updated: 2/7/2025
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