List Users
This script will list the users, with any additional properties you specify.
[something] = optional property
docker compose exec zipline yarn scripts:list-users [extras (comma delimited)] [specific_id]
npm run scripts:list-users [extras (comma delimited)] [specific_id]
The output will be a 2-space tabbed JSON array of users (or one user if a specific_id is specified).
[{"id": 1,"username": "administrator","administrator": true,},...]
If you run ... scripts:list-users token
, the objects will now include each users token.
[{"id": 1,"username": "administrator","administrator": true,"token": "xxxxxxxxx"},...]
Specifying multiple extra properties: ... scripts:list-users token,domains,oauth
[{"id": 1,"username": "administrator","administrator": true,"token": "xxxxxxxxx","domains": [""],"oauth": [{"id": 1,"provider": "GITHUB","userId": 1,"username": "diced","token": "gho_x","refresh": null},{"id": 2,"provider": "DISCORD","userId": 1,"username": "dicedtomato","token": "x","refresh": "x"}]},...]
If you want to find a specific user by id, you can run ... scripts:list-users id,token 1
and it will return the user with id 1.
[{"id": 1,"username": "administrator","administrator": true,"token": "xxxxxxxxx"}]
Clear Zero Byte Files
This script will try to find and delete any files...
Query Size
This script will set the size of all files in the...
Last updated: 3/3/2024
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